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Performance counter

A canister can query one of the "performance counters", which is a deterministic monotonically increasing integer approximating the amount of work the canister has done. Developers might use this data to profile and optimize the canister performance.

ic0.performance_counter : (counter_type : i32) -> i64

The argument type decides which performance counter to return:

  • 0 : current execution instruction counter. The number of WebAssembly instructions the canister has executed since the beginning of the current Message execution.

  • 1 : call context instruction counter.

    • For replicated message execution, it is the number of WebAssembly instructions the canister has executed within the call context of the current Message execution since Call context creation. The counter monotonically increases across all message executions in the call context until the corresponding call context is removed.

    • For non-replicated message execution, it is the number of WebAssembly instructions the canister has executed within the corresponding composite_query_helper in Query call. The counter monotonically increases across the executions of the composite query method and the composite query callbacks until the corresponding composite_query_helper returns (ignoring WebAssembly instructions executed within any further downstream calls of composite_query_helper).

In the future, ICP might expose more performance counters.


  • Install the IC SDK. For local testing, dfx >= 0.22.0 is required.
  • Clone the example dapp project: git clone

Step 1: Setup project environment

Navigate into the folder containing the project's files and start a local instance of the replica with the command:

cd examples/rust/performance_counters
dfx start --clean

This terminal will stay blocked, printing log messages, until the Ctrl+C is pressed or dfx stop command is run.

Example output:

dfx start --clean
Dashboard: http://localhost:63387/_/dashboard

Step 2: Open another terminal window in the same directory

cd examples/rust/performance_counters

Step 3: Compile and deploy performance_counters canister

dfx deploy

Example output:

% dfx deploy
Deployed canisters.
Backend canister via Candid interface:

Step 4: Call performance_counters canister for_update method

dfx canister call performance_counters for_update

Example output:

% dfx canister call performance_counters for_update
(6_618_678 : nat64, 19_886_107 : nat64)

Note, how the current message execution counter (~6M instructions) is much different from the call context counter (~19M instructions).

Step 5: Check the replica terminal window for more details

Example replica log output:

Performance counters for update call:    current (0)     call context (1)
before the nested call: 6614001 6614201
> inside the 1st nested call: 12425 12625
after the 1st nested call: 6618836 13250387
> inside the 2nd nested call: 12516 12716
after the 2nd nested call: 6618678 19886107

Note, how the current execution instruction counter (0) stays at ~6M instructions after each await point. By contrast, the call context performance counter (1) is monotonically increasing (~6M, ~13M, ~19M instructions).

Also note, that both counters start over for each nested execution (~12K instructions).

Step 6: Repeat the steps above calling for_composite_query method

dfx canister call performance_counters for_composite_query

Example output:

% dfx canister call performance_counters for_update
(6_621_477 : nat64, 19_893_467 : nat64)

Example replica log output:

Perf. counters for composite query call: current (0)     call context (1)
before the nested call: 6614001 6614201
> inside the 1st nested call: 13567 13767
after the 1st nested call: 6623158 13254766
> inside the 2nd nested call: 13567 13767
after the 2nd nested call: 6621477 19893467

Note the same performance counters behavior for composite queries.

Further learning

  1. Have a look at the locally running dashboard. The URL is at the end of the dfx start command: Dashboard: http://localhost/...
  2. Check out the Candid user interface for performance_counters canister. The URL is at the end of the dfx deploy command: performance_counters:

Canister interface

The performance_counters canisters provide the following interface:

  • for_update return all the performance counters values after two nested update calls.
  • for_composite_query return all the performance counters values after two nested composite query calls.


Performance counters is a great tool to optimize canister performance, both for update calls and queries.

Security considerations and best practices

If you base your application on this example, we recommend you familiarize yourself with and adhere to the security best practices for developing on the Internet Computer. This example may not implement all the best practices.